Important note: Please be sure to include Music/Lyric credit (author and copyright info) in any printed material or audio presentations.
It is always best to ask permission to reproduce lyrics &/or songs. It is necessary to get permission if you intend to sell copies of lyrics or songs.
I CAN READ ©2003, Purly Gates
Lyrics & Music by Purly Gates
When I read a book you know,
It’s printed in black and white
The most amazing thing takes place
As I read what the author writes
The words make pictures in my mind
With colors bright and new
An awesome, different view
Chorus: ‘Cause I can read, read, read I can read, read, read,
Words and pictures dancin’ in color the world I see
(Yes) I can read, read, read I can read, read, read
Every page I turn will color the world for me
Now anytime it’s raining,
Or I’m stuck in my room,
I can travel anywhere
And paint away the gloom
Repeat chorus
Rainbows are full of colors
Colors are full of light
When I fill up on stories,
It makes my world so bright
Repeat chorus
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WRITE A STORY ©2006, Purly Gates
Lyrics by Purly Gates; Music by Sally Rogers
Chorus: I’m gonna write a story , nobody but me could write (2x)
1) I’ve got a good idea, gonna think it through
Fill in details, so it’s clear to you
Repeat chorus
2) I can pull you in, if I use a hook
With a twist and an end, organize like a book
Repeat chorus
3) The words will talk so my voice shines through
Comin’ from my heart from me to you
Repeat chorus
4) Find the very best words have to pick and choose
Exactly what I need precisely what I use
Repeat chorus
5) My sentences will be good to read aloud
Some long some short gonna do me proud
Repeat chorus
6) Check the spelling now punctuation too
Use paragraphs to make it clear to you
Repeat chorus